7 Absolutely Certain Ways to Grow as a Leader

I’ve never met a fruitful leader who didn’t have a desire to grow and keep on learning. Leaders are learners; learning from anyone at any time on any subject. Ron Edmondson share 7 absolutely certain ways to grow as a leader Originally posted by Ron...


It took me many years to learn how to slow down and travel at a sane and decent pace.  I have learned that faster and busier is not honoring to the one who saved us and called us to leadership. Carey Nieuwhof shares some solid reasons why busy leaders make bad...

The biggest danger in leadership

The leadership road is loaded with dangers, potholes and landmines. Dan Rockwell shares the biggest danger of all. Originally posted by Dan Rockwell Self-importance is behind most of the stupid things leaders do. Be careful and be honest Self-importance keeps leaders...

Five things I’m praying for leaders, Part 2

This is part 2 of “ Five things I’m praying for leaders.” If you haven’t yet read part 1 do so by clicking here 3.  Integrity As my wife Susan and I watch what’s going on in the political world, I find myself often saying, “Someone is lying but I just don’t know...