Book Notes
These are books that have meant a great deal to me. I have literally excerpted words from the books and strung them together; these are all the author’s words and none of my own words. The brackets contain the page number from which the words are taken. Enjoy!
- A Burning In My Bones
- A Work of Heart
- An Unhurried Life
- At Your Best
- Be Know Do
- Being the Boss
- Boundaries
- Boundaries for Leaders
- Breakfast with Fred
- Building a Discipling Culture
- Building a StoryBrand
- CH Spurgeon
- Communicating for a Change
- Community
- Conviction to Lead
- Courageous Leadership
- Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code
- Credibility
- Deep and Wide
- Dangerous Calling
- Death By Meeting
- Deliberate Simplicity
- Derailed
- Developing a Vision for Ministry
- Didn’t see it coming
- DiscipleShift
- Discipleship that Fits
- Distracted
- Drive
- Ego is the Enemy
- Entrepreneurial Leap
- Essentialism
- Every Good Endeavor
- Everyone Communicates
- Execution
- Experiencing Leadershift
- Extreme Ownership
- Fairness is Overrated
- Fear
- Flight of the Buffalo
- Free To Focus
- From Megachurch to Multiplication
- Get Rid of the Performance Review
- Getting Things Done
- Go Put Your Strengths To Work
- Goals
- Good to Great
- Great by Choice
- Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders
- Grit
- Habits of Grace
- Hero Makers
- How the Mighty Fall
- HP Habits
- In A Pit With a lion
- In-N-out Burger
- Irresistible
- Jack
- Jacked Up
- John Stott Romans 6-8
- Just Do Something
- Know How
- Lasting Impact
- Launch
- Lead
- Lead Develop Care
- Leadering
- Leaders At All Levels
- Leadership Excellence
- Leadership as an Identity
- Leadership in Turbulent Times
- Leadership is Dead
- Leadership on the Other Side
- Leading Change
- Leading Major Change
- Leading with Integrity
- Leading from the 2nd Chair
- Leading on Empty
- Leading with Questions
- Learning to Lead
- Learning to Lead-Williams
- Letters to the Church
- Linchpin
- Love Works
- Made to Stick
- Make or Break Your Church In 365 Days
- Making Ideas Happen
- Master Leaders
- Mindset
- Ministry Nuts and Bolts
- Missional Communities
- Missional Renaissance
- Multipliers
- Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
- Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership
- Peter Drucker Essentials
- Planting Churches
- Planting Missional Churches
- Power Speaking
- Practicing Affirmation
- Practicing Greatness
- Rebel Talent
- Rescuing Ambition
- Revolution in Leadership
- Rocket Fuel
- Secrets of Dynamic Communications
- Sex Is Not the Problem
- Simple Church
- Soldier, Statesman, Peacemaker Leadership Lessons from George C. Marshall
- Spiritual Leadership
- Sun Stand Still
- Switch
- Taking Your Church to the Next Level
- Talent Is Overrated
- Teaching As Leadership
- Team of Rivals
- The 4 Disciplines of Execution
- The 5a Club
- The Advantage
- The Call
- The Carrot Principle
- The Catalyst Leader by Brad Lomenick
- The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership
- The Courageous Follower
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- The Five Temptations of a CEO
- The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive)
- The Grasshopper Myth
- The Great Evangelical Recession
- The Ideal Team Player
- The Infinite Game
- The Inner CEO
- The Leader Habit
- The Leadership Challenge
- The Leadership Code
- The Leadership Pipeline
- The Making of a Leader
- The Motive
- The Promise of a Pencil
- The Only Leadership Book You’ll Ever Need
- The Orange Code
- The Orange Revolution
- The Overload Syndrome
- The Paradox of Success
- The Power of Full Engagement
- The Prepared Mind of a Leader
- The Prevailing Church
- The Principle of the Path
- The Promise of a Pencil
- The Score Takes Care Of Itself
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
- The Six Types of Working Genius
- The Spiritual Formation of Leaders
- The Talent Mandate
- The Time of Your Life
- The Truth About You
- The Vanishing American Adult
- The Way We Work
- This is Marketing
- Thirsting For God
- Traction
- Transformissional Coaching
- Tribes
- True Truth
- Truman
- Unfreezing Moves
- Unleader
- Viral Churches
- Visioneering
- What Got You Here Won’t get you there
- What the Best CEOs Know
- When Narcissism Comes to Church
- Who
- Wild Goose Chase
- You Can Change
- You Don’t Have to Have a Title to Be a Leader
- You and Your Network
- Your God is Too Safe
- Urban Meyer
- Virtual Culture