by Dave Kraft | Sep 13, 2023 | Leadership
There are lots of ways to destroy your leadership effectiveness. Which no leader wants to do, but nonetheless many walk down one of these roads and some never return. Here are a few to watch out for. —Never say “no” to anyone, believing you have to be available...
by Dave Kraft | Mar 20, 2020 | Leadership, Uncategorized
We need the words of both a Jonathan and a Nathan in our lives It seems that more and more leaders are getting into bigger and bigger problems. Both men and women making serious mistakes of judgment with a huge price tag attached. The Bible as well is loaded with...
by Dave Kraft | Mar 9, 2020 | Leadership, Uncategorized
Word leader with a compass needle. Conceptual 3D render image with depth of field blur effect. People leave bosses, not organizations. You can have a good job and a poor boss and wind up leaving. Survey after survey I’ve seen confirms this to be true. If you...
by Dave Kraft | Apr 3, 2019 | Leadership
It takes a lot of wisdom and courage to know what you’re good at and what you’re not good at; to understand how to deal appropriately with both your strengths and weaknesses as you help others on your team do the same. Dan Rockwell shares ways to get real...
by Dave Kraft | Mar 31, 2019 | Leadership
Zig Ziglar use to refer to it as “Stinking Thinking.” What a leader thinks a lot about will determine how he/she acts. We can have positive and helpful mindsets (ways of thinking) or we can have negative and dangerous mindsets. Ron Edmondson shares seven of the...
by Dave Kraft | Mar 17, 2019 | Leadership
I’ve never met a fruitful leader who didn’t have a desire to grow and keep on learning. Leaders are learners; learning from anyone at any time on any subject. Ron Edmondson share 7 absolutely certain ways to grow as a leader Originally posted by Ron...
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