The Devil is in the details, but he’s not there alone!

We’ve all heard the statement, “The devil is in the details.”  To start with, in most cases, it’s not true. Success or failure may be in the details, depending on how they are dealt with, but it’s a stretch to say the devil is there. But, even if he were there, he’s...

Leaders make decisions. That’s what leaders do!

After all these years in ministry (56) I’ve come to the conclusion that making good decisions is at the top of the list of skill-sets a leader needs to develop. I further believe that most of the truly important and most impactful decisions fall into one of these...


All leaders face temptations…some conquer and some cave. The temptations of a leader are not different than what everyone else faces. The difference is that there is usually more at stake and more people affected. Now, obviously there are many more than three, but...