This is the 4th leadership book I’ve been enabled, by His grace, to write. One leader said it was the best leadership book he had ever read. Wow, diid that ever humble me to give thanks with a grateful heart.
Follow this link to order a copy:
Finish Line Leadership
I’m hearing so much positive feedback, that I’m scheduling trips to various cities to unpack chapters of the book to inspire, encourage and lift up leaders who are tired and loosing hope, but want to take their leadership to the next level!
Some have ordered 20 copies or more directly from the publisher to get a 50% discount, They want to invest in leaders on their team and in their organizations. Here’s the link if you want to do that:
Something from the chapter: “Believe God For The Impossible.”
“Here are some of the things that can still open the door for discouragement in my life:
• When I’m criticized
• When I’m tired and on the edge of exhaustion
• When I’m misunderstood
• When my expectations are dashed and not realized according to my timetable
What about you?
Has discouragement replaced dreaming in your life?
Does the evil one have you in the corner as he pounds you with his lies, saying, “You’re no good. You don’t have what it takes. God will never forgive you for [fill in the blank]”?
Run to the cross. Remember the resurrection. Rejoice in the promises He made to you.
Embrace Jesus’ victory over discouragement. Begin again following the dream He gave you”
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