Recently I read Luke 22:61, 62, where a certain look from Jesus literally dissolved a  generally self-confident Peter into bitter weeping; something that so-called strong men hardly ever do. What was it about that look?  What does Jesus see when He turns and looks at me/you?

What is there in His look? In what ways is He encouraged and/or disappointed as He takes a good look at me?

“And the Lord turned and looked at Peter.
And Peter remembered the saying of the 
Lord, how He had said to him, before the 
rooster crows today, you will deny me three
times. And he went out and wept bitterly.”
– Luke 22:61, 62

Here is what I wrote in my journal:

Jesus, what do You see when You “look” at me? Do I weep when I realize what I am, compared to where I could be with and in You?

When You look at me, I think You see a follower who:

  1. Genuinely longs to have a deep and developing love relationship with You even though I fall short  
  2. Wants to learn to live in responsive obedience to what you tell me

  3. Wants to live simply and humbly as I am surrounded by plenty and pride

  4. Understands his gifts and capacity and desires to stay focused but is often distracted

  5. Experiences vitality and vision as a sheer gift from You

  6. Wants to be a man of prayer on behalf of younger leaders

  7. Still struggles with lust, anger and impatience

  8. Wants to remain teachable and be a life-long learner; to stay flexible in spirit and attitude, not rigid as I often am

What does Jesus see when He “looks” at  YOU? How are your responding to “His look?”