Good leaders are always open to learn and grow. One way to do that is to ask some penetrating albeit painful questions to check their motives.Here are a few questions along those lines.

Is anger at the root of how I lead people?  Many leaders are fueled by anger. It comes out in the way they treat people

Am I motivating or manipulating the people I lead?

Do I feel I have to have an opinion or position on every issue, or can I, in humility, say I don’t know?

Am I okay with others on my team receiving credit without me being mentioned?

Do I have the courage to disappoint some people by not doing what they are expecting or demanding?

Am I willing to learn from anybody, at any time, on any subject? Am I truly teachable?

Am I secure enough to be wrong and admit it, instead of playing the blame game or making excuses?

Do I give loyalty (as well as demand it) from those I lead?

Am I willing to defer to a better idea or does it always have to be my-way-or-the-highway?

Is my ministry ambition truly godly or is it selfish? Whose kingdom am I building?

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”  Psalm 139:23-24, ESV