By now you know that I love music and think quite a bit about what I’m listening to or watching on U-Tube.
Recently an old Credence Clearwater Revival (CCR) song randomly popped up on Spotify. It’s called “Someday Never Comes.”
Here are a few of the words:
“First thing I remember
Was asking Papa, “Why?”
For there were many things I didn’t know
And Daddy always smiled
Took me by the hand
Saying, “Someday you’ll understand”
Well, I’m here to tell you now each and every mother’s son
You better learn it fast, you better learn it young
Cause someday never comes”
Maybe you have a “Someday List” that you, at some point, would like to get to.
It’s taken me a lot of years learning not to procrastinate, or wait until I could do something perfectly before starting. When I get an idea and have prayed about it, I then want to get going. For me, the biggest waste of time is the waste of time in getting started. I can overthink things.
Here are a few ideas to get your brain cranking—you can add a few of your own!
Someday I’ll…
- Make spending time with God a priority
- Start going to bed at a decent hour
- Make that decision I’ve been procrastinating on fearing what people might think or say
- Start investing in my children
- Finish my degree
- Begin writing that book I’ve been thinking about for way too long
- Take a good, long family vacation
- Start exercising again
- Stop drinking too much coffee
- Have regular dates with my spouse
Why not go from saying someday
I ought
I should
I could
I want
And set a time to do it!
It’s like Spanish when they say mañana. Mañana never comes either.
Perhaps many of us live with the motto of:
“Don’t do today what you can put off ‘till tomorrow”
Now, we all know that without intentionality, focus, determination, accountability and lots of grace, all those things that you “Someday” were going to do will never happen. Let’s stop kidding ourselves. We know this to be true through our own experience.
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