I read a book by Peter Stark and Jane Flaherty titled, “The only leadership book you’ll ever need.” It was indeed a solid book with lots of very helpful content, though not good enough that I would never read another book on leadership.

On page 72 of this book (Book Note at davekraft.org)  there’s a list of question you may well consider asking yourself that would help you ascertain what kind of leader you actually are.

Here are those questions for you to think about and search your heart and soul. If you are secure in Jesus and really want to grow as a leader have those on your team answer these same questions.

1.  As a leader I have a positive and compelling vision

2.  Our team has goals to turn the vision into reality

3.  Our goals are a challenge to achieve

4.  Our team has a plan to turn the goals and vision into reality

5.  Each member on our team is clear on the goals for his or her position/job

6.  Team members would say I consistently communicate the company’s plans

7.  Team members would say I consistently communicate the information they need to do their jobs

8.  Team members would say I want them to solve problems

9.  Team members would say I promote innovation and improving products, procedures, systems or services

10.  Each member of the team makes a contribution to the team’s success

11.  Our team works well together

12.  Our team works well with other departments/teams in the organization

13.  On our team, performance problems are resolved in a timely manner

14.  Our team meets (weekly, bi-weekly) on a regular basis

15.  We communicate results and our progress toward goals on a consistent, regular schedule

16.  Our team produces and achieves outstanding results

17.  Our team consistently requires team and individual success

18.  Our team knows how to celebrate success