Like me, you may have heard it said that people don’t leave organizations, they leave bosses. To a large extent, I believe this is true.

You may have a very good job with a very good organization. But if you have (in your estimation) a not-so-good boss, you don’t have a good job or work for a good organization.
Your boss, in most cases, is the determining factor as to whether you choose to stay or start polishing up your resume.
Just last week a person told me that he was leaving his company mostly due to his boss’s lack of connection with him. He then added that a lot of others have left as well.
Houston we have a problem.
When turnover is unreasonable high, it says some things about the leadership and the culture which the leadership is creating.
The bosses set the tone, the culture and determine the longevity of the employees.
Here are some things to seriously think about whether you are the boss or the employee.
People who wind up leaving feel some of the following:
1. They don’t feel like they’re appreciated
2. They feel that their boss talks condescendingly to them
3. They have the sense they just don’t fit in and have, in so many words, been told so
4. They feel they’ve never been understood but are, rather, misunderstood by their boss
5. They feel that what they bring to the table is not valued, appreciated or celebrated
6. They feel that their boss doesn’t have a clue as to what they really do and how they contribute
7. They don’t truly feel valued
8. They feel that they are often criticized, but seldom complemented
9. They feel they work hard but aren’t thanked privately or publicly
10. They desire a deeper connection with their boss, but he/she is too busy or just doesn’t seem to care
11. They feel like they have a lot more to offer, but are seldom asked
12. They feel like what they do is not connected to the bigger picture of what their company is all about
13. They feel like their boss hardly ever asks how they’re doing—seems only interested in what they produce
14. They’d like to know how they’re doing in meeting expectations, but seldom get any feedback positive or negative, so are in the dark
If you are the employee feeling this way, consider taking a risk and speaking with your Boss rather than plugging away day after day with your current feelings and lack of motivation to do your best; which can lead to deep discouragement and depression in some cases.
If you are the boss, prayerfully and carefully look over the above list and do some soul-searching, asking yourself if you really genuinely care about your direct reports. What can you do to prevent turnover and declining morale? How about honestly asking those you lead how they view you and your leadership? Are you truly leading them, developing them and caring for them?
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