Those of you who regularly read my posts know that memorizing, meditating on, praying over and applying Scripture is my most transformative spiritual discipline.

You’ve probably heard of the Fab Four and the Magnificent Seven!

I have compiled a list of my “Significant Six.” The most impactful verses I have memorized which I call my “Life Verses.” 

I pray over these verses daily, thanking the Lord that they still speak into my life and asking for grace to keep applying their truths.

Here they are with a brief word on each of them:

1.  “Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eye were not dim, nor his natural vigor diminished.”

~ Deuteronomy 34:7 (NKJ) 

I’m not sure I want to live to be 120. I am now 83 and would be content with 85-90,  if it’s His will. Two things though which I do want and pray for from this verse are:

  • Vision
  • Vitality

I want to be able to wake up each morning with a vision that Jesus is giving me for what He wants to accomplish in and through me in the years I have left. I don’t want to be one of those “visionless leaders.” Secondly, I want, by His grace, to continue to have physical, mental and spiritual vitality—strong bones and a fire burning in them!

2.  “Say to Archippus take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord that you may fulfill it”. 

~ Colossians 4:17 (NKJ)

I understand that I have received a ministry from the Lord. It is as a “Leader Developer.” I want to take heed to it—grow it, develop it and pay attention to it. I want to fulfill it, complete it, stay faithful to it until He calls me home.

3.  “Yet my brothers I do not consider myself to have arrived spiritually nor do I consider  myself already perfect, but I keep going on. Grasping ever more firmly that purpose for  which Jesus Christ has grasped me”  

~ Philippians 3:12 (Phillip’s Translation)

I’ve not arrived and am not completely mature. I’ve  a long way to go, even though I’ve been walking with Jesus for sixty-three years. I will not beat myself up over what I’m not, but be thankful for the progress He’s allow me to make. 

I’m not what I’m gonna be, and I’m not what I wanna be, but at least I’m not what I was. I’ll simply keep going, not quitting or giving up, or letting the enemy discourage me with negative thinking. I’m pressing forward as I grasp firmly all that He has for me.

4.  “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and  was laid with his fathers and saw corruption”  

~ Acts 13:36 (ESV)

I’m clear on my calling as a leader developer. This is my purpose in my generation and I will serve that purpose until I’m laid to rest and see corruption. 

5.  “ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”  

 ~ 2 Timothy 4:7 (ESV)

When I get to the end, I want to be able to look back and say along with Paul, that I’ve been faithful and kept fighting for Kingdom issues. I. have finished my race well. I’ve stayed true to the body of truth I received in Scripture and through my mentors and coaches.

6.  “Loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days.”  

~ Deuteronomy 30:20 (ESV)

I did a post on this one in January of this year Deuteronomy 30:20.

My secret in life is Jesus Christ. He is both the quality of my life and the quantity of my life. By His grace, and grace alone, I will love Him, obey His voice and hold fast to Him.

May I humbly suggest that you select a few “Life Verse” for yourself which can sustain you when you are discouraged, guide you when you are unsure or confused and keep you focused on what really matters in the long run!

Memorize them, meditate on them daily, pray