I’m assuming we’ve all heard someone described as a “Go-Getter.” It’s usually meant as a compliment.

This is characterizing a person who:
- Initiates things without being told or asked
- Gets the ball into the net
- Finishes what they start
- Completes important tasks
- Has good energy and enthusiasm
Most people would describe me as a “Go-Getter.”
I’ve been thinking about this idea lately.
I’ve come to the conclusion that being a “Go-Getter” needs to be coupled with being a “Go-Giver.”
In my go-gettingness, I need to make sure that I’m giving to those with whom I work and interact, not making it just all about what I do and accomplish.
“I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
~Acts 20:35 ESV
More blessed to give than to get!
I realize that I’m playing with words here to get a point across.
Go-getter leaders can be doing what they do in order to simply get more for themselves, not others.
Out to “Get.”
- More admiration
- More respect
- More accolades
- More of that feel good
- More financial remuneration
- More opportunities for advancement
- More of a platform
- More of an improved brand
It’s about the motives for getting—for what purpose and for whom?
I’m thinking that I, for one, want to be both a Go-Getter and a Go-Giver—Making it more about others, not primarily about me as the leader.
“And David knew that the Lord had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel” ~ 2 Samuel 5:12 ESV
David understood it was not for his sake, but for the people’s sake that God made him king.
“Blessed be the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and set you on the throne of Israel! Because the Lord loved Israel forever he has made you king, that you may execute justice and righteousness.” ~ 1 Kings 10:9 ESV
Looking at how Solomon lived, not just what he wrote, one could ask if he ever became a Go-Giver as apposed to just being a Go-Getter most of his leadership life. The Queen of Sheba (the verse above) realized what most leaders, in general, and Solomon, in particular, perhaps never fully understood—it’s not about you!
Too many leaders make leadership all about themselves which, over time, can have a bad ending. Leadership is not about the leader but about the God they follow and the people they serve.
By His grace, as leaders, let’s be both Go-Getters and Go-Givers!
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