A few days ago, I watched an interview that Carey Nieuwhof (Toronto Canada) did with Rick Warren (Orange County, California). Rick is now 67 and announced last year that he was stepping down after 42 years as the lead pastor of Saddleback church.

I would describe the interview with these words:

  • Interesting
  • Intriguing
  • Convicting
  • Provocative
  • Challenging
  • Eye-opening

The interview covered a multitude of issues that pastors and leaders deal with, such as:

  • Finishing your race well
  • What to measure or not measure to determine “Success”
  • The difference between pastoring and preaching
  • Sexual purity
  • Making the right hires

Rick also gave Carey a tour of his personal library; the most extensive and fascinating book collection I’ve ever heard of or seen. It wil blow you away.

I took notes on key ideas I want to remember, and am noodling on several of them as I ask the Holy Spirit how I can apply these lessons learned to my own life and ministry.

Here’s a link to the interview: “Finishing Well.”

Carey interviews Rick warren