I love music, especially worship music. Every once in a while a song comes along that completely captivates me, enthralls me and draws me into the heart of God.

There is a song in the Luthern Hymnal. It was written by Charlotte Elliot who lived from 1789 to 1871. It is titled, “My God My Father, while I stray.”

The refrain in the song is “Thy Will be Done” which in my thinking is actually a better title; sorry Charlotte.

Here are the words to some of the verses.

Thy Will Be Done

My God my Father while I stray
Far from my home in life’s rough way
Oh, teach me from my heart to say
Thy Will Be Done

Though dark my path and sad my lot
Let me be still and murmur not
Or breath the prayer divinely taught
Thy Will Be Done

But if my fainting heart be blest
With the Holy Spirit for its guest
My God to Thee I leave the rest
Thy Will Be Done

If thou should call me to resign
What most I prized never was mine
I only yield Thee what is Thine
Thy Will Be Done

Renew my will from day to day
Blend it with Thine and take away
All that now makes it hard to say
Thy Will Be Done

Then when on earth I breath no more
The prayer, oft mixed with tears before,
I’ll sing upon that joyful shore
Thy Will Be Done

The words to this song have become a daily part of my prayer time and meditation. I listen to a rendition of it almost every day and it literally moves me to tears of joy and surrender to the will of my sovereign Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Let me share just one thought from these incredible and insightful lyrics.

Renew my will from day to day, blend it with Thine and take away all that now make it hard to say Thy will be done!

I realize that the secret to my life in, and with, Jesus is surrendering every day and every moment to His known will for me. I am constantly thinking; what is it in my life that He needs to take away that makes it hard to say, Thy wil be done? Is it pride, laziness, selfishness, anger? And the list goes on.