Under “Leadership From the Heart” at the top of this web site is Psalm 78:72 which is my favorite verse on leadership. It speaks of two essential aspects of leadership; The heart and the hands. Leading to a visionary destination and taking care of the people as they journey with you. I Peter 5:2 allludes to the same two aspects, “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight.”

It’s like the two pedals of a bicycle. If you just shepherd and don’t provide visionary leadership there will be a lack of excitement, adventure and sensing that you life is making a difference that matters. If you lead with skillful hands, but don’t insure that people are cared for they may feel manipulated for the leader’s agenda and, over time, loose interest.
Personally I am better at exercising oversight than shepherding. Many leaders I have worked under have been great shepherds but leading people nowhere; no destination, no exciting journey, no adventure, no joy!
All of us need the grace of Jesus to combine the two. How would you evaluate your leadership with these two aspects in mind? Is your heart stronger than your skillful hands? Are your skillful hands stronger than your heart? Are you, with His help, doing both and developing both?
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