What He has and hasn’t promised you and me

There are many things Jesus said that we like to quote and be reminded of. But there are certain things we believe to be true and act like they are true that Jesus never said or promised.

YOU are a leader. You desire to lead people from where they are to somewhere else for the glory of God and for the good of the people. As you lead, there are certain things the Lord has said to you and certain things He has not said to you!


…Everything would go well for you

…You would never have any more problems

…Everyone would like, respect and appreciate you

…People would be wowed by each decision you make

…You would be popular with those you lead

…You would have a large and prominent ministry

…No one would ever betray you

…You would never be discouraged

…You would never have any setbacks

…You would never make any mistakes

…You would never be criticized or misunderstood


…He would be with you: Matthew 28:18-20

…He would guide you: John 16:13

…He would bear fruit through you: John 15:5

…He would supply all your needs: Matthew 6:33

…He would give you His peace: John 14:27

…He would give you rest: Matthew 11:28

…You would have His joy: John 15:11

…You would have the power of the Holy Spirit: Acts 1:8

…He would never leave you: Matthew 28:20

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.“-1 Corinthians 15:58, ESV