Well, it’s soon a new year. I trust this coming year will be exceptional in every way for you. This is the time of the year when people think about their hopes, dreams and desires for 2020. What they l would like to accomplish. What they would like to see the Lord do for them, in them and through them.

One of the things you can do to make better progress in any area of life and ministry is to have a life and leadership coach.
I have been professionally coaching for 14 years.
I have had, around 300 leaders whom I have been privileged to walk with and help go from where they are to someplace else in life/work and ministry.
I currently have about 5 spots open and am offering one of those spots to YOU If you believe that having a coach would be good for you at the season of life you are in.
Here are a few benefits of having a coach to walk with you.
1. Life transformation in your walk with Jesus
2. Intentionality in life and leadership
3. Balance in your ministry/work life, your personal life and your family life
4. Having a game Plan to accomplish stated objectives
5. Being able to ascertain measurable growth/progress in all areas of life, work and ministry
6. Accountability/with a trusted friend
Dave Kraft helped me through the most difficult time in my life and ministry. Now that I am back to a place of health I still rely on his coaching for encouragement, wisdom, strategies, and his practical advice. I can’t express what he has done for me, our church and my family. I am confident he will bring value to anyone trying to navigate the difficult waters of ministry.
Kirk Mcdonald
Lead Pastor
Gospel Community Church
Fayetteville, GA.
To say that I am grateful for Dave Kraft would be a massive understatement. In the summer of 2016, I unexpectedly entered the most difficult days of my 17 years in ministry. Through it all, Dave was by my side coaching me, praying for me, challenging me, and encouraging me. He is a straight-shooting, Jesus-loving, faith-building man whose passion and experience provide great fuel for younger leaders. Both my wife and I commend Dave with full confidence and grateful hearts!
Jason Wing,
Lead Pastor
University Baptist Church
Dayton, OH
I’ve had Dave as a coach since 2012. I, and our church, have reaped some serious benefits from our coaching relationship. Not only did I learn to bring clarity to our mission, vision, and values of our church, but also Dave helped coach several of our key leaders over the years. Dave also flew across the country to spend time with our team and teach us leadership. I can’t say enough about how big of a difference Dave has made in our lives at Greenbriar Church!
Tim Bice
Lead Pastor
Greenbriar Church
Albany, Georgia
Regional Director for Acts 29
Coach K has been impacting my life for the past 10 years. He is a man of God, an excellent coach, and a leader of leaders. I commend him to you.
Brian Howard
Founder and CEO Context Coaching
Acts 29 West Director
Chairman of the Board for Acts 29
Coaching with Dave Kraft has been a great blessing. Dave challenges his clients at the professional and spiritual level and remains genuinely concerned about you as a person.
Ken Cavey
Lead Pastor
Bethel Baptist Church
Ellicott City, Maryland
When I was looking for a ministry coach, I was looking for someone who would coach me out of his own love for Jesus, spiritual transformation, and ministry experience. I found that in Coach Dave Kraft. Coach K listens well, asks powerful questions, challenges my paradigms and invites me to discover the answers to the complex issues I’m facing in ministry and life. He has to be an effective ministry coach because this is my second coaching stint with Coach Kraft. He has and is challenging me to become a different kind of leader. I highly recommend Coach K.
Marvin Williams
Lead Pastor
Trinity Church, Lansing, Michigan
The nine months I’ve spent with Dave as a coach have changed the direction of one business, helped us create and another, and most importantly strengthened my relationship with God. Dave is blessed with the ability to bring focus to any situation and cut to the heart of the matter. He gives grace when grace is called for, but more often the swift kick in the butt I truly need.
Chad Wright
President & Creative Director
Write Creative Group
Leander, Texas
Dave has been such a blessing to my life, my career, and the ministry God has called me too. God has richly used his expertise, patience, and discernment to give me the skills of accountability and discipline in my leadership. I am extremely grateful for my Coach, Dave Kraft. My prayer is that you will seek out Dave and the wisdom that God has blessed him with.
JT Ayers
Men’s head track coach & teacher
Trabuco Hills High
Mission Viejo, CA.
Dave has been a rock of steadfast wisdom in my journey as a young business leader. Being a leader can be lonely. But, Dave has been a cherished encouragement; tirelessly willing to get in the trenches, patiently laboring alongside me, to equip, and strengthen me as a leader. God, thank you for instilling the wisdom of your word in Dave.
“For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for my welfare.
For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.
But you know Dave’s proven worth, how as a father with a son he has served with me in the gospel”.
I cherish every opportunity to speak with Dave. Along this road of life, he’s encouraged me when I’m low, and celebrated with me when I reach the highs. He’s also been around the block a couple times – and knows some darn good shortcuts.
With long winded but emphatic confidence, joy, and thankfulness I recommend Dave.
Jesse Fowl
Founder and CEO of Solomon Solution
A technology company
Seattle, Washington
I first hired Dave Kraft in 2010. I was really trying to solve some big questions for myself about my personal goals, purpose and ministry. I first encountered Dave Kraft when I read his book Leaders Who Last.
The book, like Dave’s coaching, brought complicated leadership principles into clear focus. Not knowing Dave was connected, I called a coaching network and found out Dave was available as one of the coaches. It was like God needed to make this choice very simple for me.
My first year with Dave as my coach helped me realize I needed to make a career change. This change helped me begin living out God’s calling for me – solving the issue of poverty in my city. Five years later, while I was working as the chaplain of a rescue mission in downtown Erie, PA, I launched my own coaching and speaking business – part 2 of God’s purpose for me. So, I called Dave back to help me through this next stage of my career.
God has used Dave Kraft to sharpen my skills, challenge my faith and encourage my dreams. I am so thankful for his wisdom and his humor. Dave is gifted at delivering the right question or timely word leaving you simultaneously challenged and encouraged. God is using Dave Kraft to help change lives. He changed mine and I will be forever grateful!
Andy Kerr
Andy Kerr Coaching
Chaplain, Erie City Mission
Erie ,Pa.
Dave has been a tremendous help for me personally as well as my company. Dave is an abundant resource for us when we want to define direction for our company, need help in regards to hiring, or need to work out an idea for a new business. He has helped us become more accountable, consistent, and focused on what we do, both in business and personally. His knowledge or ability to recommend a source for a question is amazing. I would recommend Dave to anyone who is trying to better themselves or their company through vision and focus.
Spencer Prosser
Co- Owner MP Agrilytics
Memphis, Tennessee
I would love the opportunity of being your coach in 2020. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as you are able~davekraft763@gmail.com~ and I will offer you a no cost , no obligation, 30 minute call to explore what coaching could look like for you.
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