I am inclined to believe that there is a huge difference between accountability and micro-management and the two are often confused and misunderstood. Here Dan Rockwell sheds some clarifying light on the subject.
Originally posted by Dan Rockwell
Accountability, in traditional environments, is about power. Who has it? How is it used? The teeth in traditional accountability is the power to reward and punish.
Accountability as pressure:
Short-sighted leaders use accountability to pressure people.
The context of pressure is resistance.
Dependence on traditional accountability suggests people are already resistant.
Useful accountability:
Accountability is drawing out the best in others.
#1. Help people excel at what they want to do, not what you’re pressuring them to do.
People need new jobs when the things they want don’t serve organizational goals.
#2. Expect people to do what they say.
Hold people accountable to the commitments they impose on themselves, not the ones you impose on them.
#3. Focus on their power, not yours, when creating accountability.
Powerful people go further than powerless.
#4. Honor follow through.
#5. Call out inconsistency.
Mediocrity prevails when inconsistency wins the day.
#6. Discuss how people are depending on each other.
#7. Clarify expectations.
Ambiguity is the enemy of accountability.
Seven simple ways to create accountability:
- What would you like me to ask the next time we meet?
- What are you going to do next/today/this week?
- When are you taking your next step?
- What are you going to do?
Four essentials for healthy accountability:
A point of discomfort:
I’m troubled by reliance on promises and commitments. Reliance on promises suggests this time you really mean it; normally you don’t.
Accountability is about clarifying results and behaviors, not making promises.
Where does accountability go wrong?
What are the aspects of healthy accountability?
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