Your bedtime routines will have a huge impact on how your tomorrow goes.
Here is Michael Hyatt on what that can look like for you as he share his own routines.
Please understand that I am not suggesting you follow his verbatim, but share this to give you some ideas so you can develop your own healthy evening habits and routines.
Originally posted by Michael Hyatt
I have written and talked a lot about how the right morning routine can set you up for a productive day. The same is true for nighttime rituals. The right activities before you sleep can set you up for success the next day.

I used to have the worst time getting to sleep at night. I knew it was important for my health and productivity, but my mind raced long after the lights went out. I couldn’t seem to turn it off.
As a result, I woke up groggy, grumpy, and ill-prepared for the day. My energy flagged right after lunch, and my afternoons were a grind. I just wasn’t my best self. Maybe you can relate.
Eventually, my doctor suggested Ambien. I knew it wasn’t a good long-term solution, but I was desperate for sleep. What I really needed was an intentional nighttime ritual, but that wouldn’t come for several more years.
Today, I am happy to report that I sleep like a baby—without the help of Ambien or any other drug. I sleep soundly for seven to eight hours each night, wake rested, and have all the energy I need to be creative and productive.
These nine activities make up my nighttime ritual:
I’m a worrier by nature. To ensure I fall sleep easily, I avoid negative news, conversations, and anything else that strands my mind in Worst-Case-Scenario-Ville.
I save my serious reading for morning, but I like to let my mind wander through some pages in the evening. Nothing stressful or too involved. A tech magazine is usually perfect
Temperature and light can really affect my sleep patterns. I sleep best when it’s chilly and absolutely dark, so I turn the temp down a bit lower than during the day and make sure the blackout blinds are shut tight.
Natural Calm and Kavinace Ultra PM finally allowed me to punch Ambien in the face. They flat work—at least for me. (Your mileage may vary.)
Several of my daughters are involved in dōTERRA essential oils. I use them topically to help set the stage for optimal relaxation and sleep. Vetiver, frankincense, and lavender are three of my favorites. After my supplements and oils, I’m nearly out.
Gail and I often listen to some mellow music before bed. It works like a cue: When the music begins, it signals my mind and body that it’s time to start getting ready for bed. We especially like the LifeScapes series. Here is our exact playlist from Amazon Digital Music. (This is the only retailer that still appears to carry this music.)
…For the rest of this article go to Michael Hyatt
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