God loves to take ordinary people and accomplish extraordinary things. This is a theme that runs all through the Bible.   Paul states it clearly and simply by saying:

“For consider your calling, brothers: Not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 (ESV)

I’m one of those ordinary people that he, in his sovereign grace, chose to do some pretty amazing things through.  At almost 75, I have no intention of slowing down or retiring. 

In my mind, tired is biblical and retired is not! I’m cool with changing pace; doing something different or differently; taking time-off for family and friends; but not giving my life to endless rounds of gold, or sitting in a rocking chair in front of the TV or on the front porch waiting for the mailman to show up. When someone is my age, it can be some of the most productive years ever by pouring into the lives of younger people. As long as Jesus give me health and energy I’m pressing on for his glory.

As most of you know, I have been blessed/privileged to write two books,“Leaders Who Last” and “Mistakes Leaders Make.”

If that wasn’t enough, Jesus has opened the door for me to present seminars based on both of these books

(you can see more detail at Seminar

“Acts 29 Georgia had a marvelous time with Dave as he walked us through his Leader’s Who Last seminar. The content was rich, his delivery was clear, and the impact was huge. What we liked most was how Dave incorporated ways to actually help us go DO what we were learning rather than just sit and soak in good leadership material. Dave led us to reflect on our own lives, discuss issues in small groups, and create action steps to implement what we were learning. Dave also spent time with our leadership team teaching us leadership principles and answering our questions. Dave truly invested leadership gold into our lives. I would encourage any church, no matter the size, to have Dave do his Leaders Who Last seminar for them. Absolutely incredible.”

Lead Pastor Tim Bice

Greenbriar Church

Albany, GA.

“After serving in the church world and attending countless conferences and seminars, not to mention listening to innumerable leadership talks and preaches I can say the Dave Kraft Seminar was a super breath of fresh air.  I was personally challenged in my own life in a “rubber meets the road” kind of way. Dave’s content and message not only met me personally while addressing our team of pastors and lay-leaders; his seminar proved effective for both full-time pastors and volunteers alike from our city.  We hosted the event with pastors and leaders joining us from our city, cumulatively around 10 churches.  The overall feedback for “Leaders who Last” seminar was super encouraging and we would recommend this seminar to any church and or group of churches.” 

Josh Yakos

Lead Pastor

Clark Fork City Church

Missoula, Montana

 I have had the incredible experience of being in over fifty places since the fall of 2010 presenting these seminars. In addition to numerous cities in the USA and Canada I have been to:


In September of this year, Lord willing, I will be in San Paulo, Brazil for a week doing some teaching based on the seminars from the two books.

If you would be interested in considering hosting either the “Leaders Who Last”seminar or the “Mistakes Leaders Make” seminar, please email me.


There are openings in the fall of 2014, and I would love to come to your area and be an encouragement to leaders there.