To the making of lists on leadership qualities & attributes, there is no end. 

Not to make you feel overwhelmed, or to make you think you can be these things apart from the power of the Holy Spirit, here are some things to think about and pray over as you enter 2014.

If only one of these serves as a focus for you in the next year, this blog has served it’s purpose.

Orginally posted by Brad Lomenick on December 12, 2013

A Leader Must Be…

1. Ready to take the fall.

2. Willing to have to sacrifice.

3. Always informed enough to make the tough decisions.

4. Constantly learning.

5. In touch with reality.

6. Able to plan for the future while leading in the present and honoring the past.

7. Quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. (Yikes!)

8. Humble and Hungry.

9. Never satisfied, but always content.

10. A great follower who understands how to be led.

11. Wise and discerning.

12. 100% trustworthy.

13. Willing to risk when it’s needed, and not afraid to create change.

14. Constantly encouraging. (Yikes#2!)

15. Casting vision on a regular basis and creating a picture of the end goal.

16. Responsible. Your yes is yes and your no is no.

17. Anticipates what needs to get done.

18. Always hustling.

Among many, many other things…..