I am sitting in the Sydney airport as I type this.  It is 4.30p on Sunday, December 8, local time.  I am tired and spent, but in a good way. It has been an awesome experience.

There will be a longer post the latter part of December with pictures and videos of my time here.

I left LAX at 10.30p on Sunday, December 1st and arrived in Sydney at 8a on Tuesday, December 3rd; fourteen hours non-stop.

While here I:

  1. Presented two workshops at a conference organized by Geneva Push for church planters in Australia.  About 40 church planters attended my two sessions
  2. Visited and shared with one of the growth groups at “Multi-cultural Bible Ministry” (MBM) the host church for my week here
  3. Presented four of the ten mistakes I cover in my book, “Mistakes Leaders Make.” with 50 staff people from 4 different churches in the area
  4. Presented the “Leaders Who Last” seminar to 150 people from five different churches
  5. Preached at the two morning services today at MBM
  6. Had numerous opportunity to talk with (and pray with) young church planters that have a burden to see the gospel advanced in Australia
  7. Had some great time with Pastor Ray Galea, the founding and lead pastor of MBM. It was great to see his heart to plant churches out of MBM. Matt, one of their pastors will be going out to plant in January of 2014.  You will meet him later

This was another of those amazing opportunities that the Lord has graciously allowed me to be a part of.

My go-to-verse these days is Joshua 13:1, “Now Joshua was old and advanced in years, and the Lord said to him, ‘You are old and advanced in years, and there remains yet very much land to possess.’ “

I too am old and advanced in years and believe that the Lord has land that he wants me to possess. I believe that tired is biblical but not retired (in the sense that I sit around and do nothing but go on cruises, play rounds of gold or sit on the porch waiting for the mailman to show up).

More about Sydney with pictures/videos in late December.