August 15th, 2013 by Brad Lomenick in Catalyst

I want leaders on my team who are “all in.” Coaches want players who are “all in” on their teams. Every organization out there wants employees and team members who are “all in.”
Being ALL IN as a leader means:
1. You don’t look at the clock, and you’re not punching a time card. Your role is not defined by 9 – 5.
2. You get it done no matter how long it takes. You are “managerless,” meaning no one else has to worry about whether you are getting it done.
3. You realize you are part of something bigger than yourself, and humbly accomplish the goals because of a larger motivation than just you.
4. Giving just the “minimum” amount of effort required to get by without “getting in trouble” doesn’t even cross your mind.
5. Your hard work and excellence is done with pure motives. You are not worried about climbing the ladder or impressing anyone.
6. We is much more important than me. If I win, the team wins. If the team wins, I win.
7. You are willing and motivated to improve daily. Getting better at what you do is not a choice, it’s a requirement.
8. You maintain a high standard of excellence because the team/organization/brand demands it. You don’t want to let anyone else down on the team.
9. The vision compels you to greatness. Not the opposite- “your greatness compelling the vision.” Many leaders get this backwards.
10. Your intentions and goals are clear. I know what I’m getting, and I’m never concerned about any ulterior motives.
11. You are trustworthy. 100%. Always with no exceptions. I know I can count on you.
12. Constant pursuit of the extraordinary, not ordinary. Constant pursuit of unusual, not usual. Constant pursuit of being the best, not average.
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