It has been a while with no weekly bog from me!

Since June 10th (when we made a week-long trip to California to hunt for a home to lease as we make the move from Seattle to Orange County) until this moment it has been a whirl-wind of ceasless activies: Hotels, being hosted by gracious families,  meals out, signing papers both here in Seattle and in Laguna Hills (our destination city), and saying good-bye to lots of friends.

We have signed more papers in the last two weeks than at any other two week period in our lives.  I think they had to cut down one more tree just for the paper work required to get us out of our home in Seattle and into one in California.

We are not finished yet.  We have had a couple of speed bumps in the closing of escrow on our Seattle home with the final “It is done” due as late as Tuesday, June 28th the same day we get the keys to our Laguna Hills home.  With the delays coming at the 11th hour, I am tempted to play the “What if” game.

What if this falls out of escrow? What if we have to make payments on two homes? What if we have to start all over again and find a new buyer?

I choose (empowered by Him) to rest in His sovereignty and His promises to take care of us and provide for our needs (Matthew 6:33, Philippians 4:19).

He has His time-table and desires for us. He is more interested in our character than our comfort or convenience.

In crazy times like this, I am so glad I am the recepient of “Crazy Love” (as Francis Chan calls it). Crazy grace and crazy forgivness helps as well.

I have learned a lot in the last 14 days:

1. God is  still sovereign even when I am most worried and stressed

2. I am still (even after 50 years of walking with Jesus)  a sinner and capable of the worst of sins when under pressure and things are totally crazy

3. Even when I act like a jerk (which I did plenty of times in the last two weeks) Susan allowed His grace to flow through her toward me

4. Sin happens but doesn’t define who I am…the Gospel does