Allow me to help you in becoming the leader you were created to be
Meet Dave Kraft
Dave has been a Christian for 64 years. He served with The Navigators for 37 years. He has also served in multiple local churches through the years in various pastoral roles.
He lives in San Juan Capistrano, CA. His wife (married 55 years) Susan passed away on May 30th 2024. They have four kids and seven grand kids.
You’ll find him to be one of the most passionate, upbeat and enthusiastic leaders you will ever meet. He has more energy than men half his age and is a committed life-long learner. He blogs several times each week. Subscribe and begin receiving relevant leadership ideas.
His God-given vision is to influence thousands of leaders in hundreds of churches all over the world, by helping them have biblically-based, Holy Spirit empowered and Jesus honoring lives and ministries. He will do this through blogging, writing, speaking and coaching.
Coach Dave also travels each year conducting leadership seminars. He has written four books: Leaders Who Last, Mistakes Leaders Make, Learning Leadership
From Nehemiah and Finish Line Leadership. They can all be found on Amazon.
Take a few minutes and acquaint yourself with what’s on this website. You will find a leadership goldmine and a lifetime of inspiration.
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