I’ve said for a number of years that we need both idea generators and idea implementors for any group, team or organization to function with excellence. Idea generators (also called visionaries) need idea implementors around them. These “Implementors” at times will question, try to edit or put the breaks on an idea, which is not always welcomed (but needed) by the idea generator. Every new idea the generator has is not necessarily a great or God idea, even though it might look that way to him or her.

Pastor and author Ron Edmondson speaks to this issue today!

Guest post by Ron Edmondson

I love working with big idea leaders. I somewhat put myself in that category, so perhaps we are attracted mostly to our own types. Yet, whatever the reason, I’ve learned there are some things visionary leaders must have to be successful.

Both of these I have learned the hard way. I didn’t have them and I wasn’t near as successful during that season of my career.

1. Someone to keep them organized.

In fairness, this could be some “thing” rather than someone. I’ve had both, but visionary leaders need a system or a person who can keep them on task. Otherwise the visions compete against themselves. Nothing ever gets accomplished because visionary leaders will chase every attractive vision that comes along.

2. Someone willing to tell them no.

For the reason stated previously, visionary leaders need someone in their life willing to say things like:

  • “That’s not a good idea.”
  • “We can’t do anymore than we are doing right now.”
  • “We haven’t finished the last good idea you had.”
  • “Let’s celebrate what we’ve accomplished before we tackle something new.”
  • “The team needs a chance to catch our breath.”

Of course, the visionary leader needs to be willing to listen to others. Plus, I would say – the way you say it to the visionary leader will likely determined how it is received. Also, the more visionary leader trusts the person willing to say no the more likely it will be heard. But visionary leaders often need to hear “no”.