I have been a huge fan of “Excellence” since reading the book In Search of Excellence many moons ago. I was hooked on the idea and am a happy addict.

Dan Rockwell Some very practical and very helpful ideas on making Excellence your mindset. It’s an inside job!

Guest Post by Dan Rockwell

Excellence is learned.

You might be a little more talented than some, but excellence always begins above your neck.

“I’m hellbent convinced that what makes the best performers in the world good is really above the neck and between the ears.” Eric Potterat, PhD, co-author of, Learned Excellence: Mental Disciplines for Leading and Winning from the World’s Top Performers

The engine of excellence:

Purpose fuels pursuit.

Know why your goal matters to you. It’s not about your board, team, boss, or co-workers. External motivations don’t satisfy when hills get steep.

Why are you climbing the hill?

Suppose you decide to go on a diet because a friend teased you about gaining weight. Friends matter, but the heart of pursuit is about you. The question is why does it matter to YOU?

Leaders serve others, but the pursuit of excellence is all about you.

Extrinsic motivation:

  1. Money.
  2. Promotions.
  3. Recognition.
  4. Fear of punishment.
  5. Social approval.

Extrinsic motivations energize in the short-term. Intrinsic motivations are sustainable.

Intrinsic motivations:

  1. Autonomy.
  2. Mastery.
  3. Self-respect.
  4. Personal change.
  5. Inner satisfaction.

Pursuit is best fueled by actions that express who you are, not what others expect of you.

Excellence is process driven:

Amateurs focus on outcomes. Professionals focus on the process.

Outcomes take care of themselves when you’re militantly consistent with the process.

Use a tactical process to pursue the greater vision.

I loved my conversation with Eric Potterat, PhD.

Check it out…

Help others be excellent:

The best way to help others reach high is to reach high yourself.

  1. What is your mindset of success?
  2. What is your process?
  3. What is your definition of high achievement in various aspects of life? (Work, home, personal, community)
  4. How are you practicing self-care?
  5. How are you sharing your pursuit with others?

Tip: Remarkable success requires others.

The world’s best – in any discipline – surround themselves with the best.