What do you mean it doesn’t pay to worry. Most of the things I worry about never happen! In Jesus sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) He talks a good deal about worry. Reread and refresh your memory about the downsides of worry . In today’s post, Dan Rockwell shares with us 3 ways to stop worrying and lead.
Originally posted by Dan Rockwell
With a heavy weight of responsibility, it’s nuts to worry. You know you’re worrying when you’re tired all day and awake half the night. Worried leaders are grumpy, jumpy, and ready to blow – your muscles tense, your stomach hurts, and your head aches. You overthink, avoid, and struggle with decisions when you’re worried. Worrying causes you to jump to the worst possible conclusion in a single bound; or is it the other way around?
3 ways to stop worrying and lead:
Clarify terms:
- Worry is paralyzed. Concern is responsive.
- Worry is hesitant. Concern is dynamic.
- Worry is distracted. Concern is focused.
- Worry is desperate. Concern says, “It’s hard, but we’ve done hard things before.”
- Worry dulls. Concern sharpens.
Concern brings out your best. Worrying invites you to forget yourself.
Tip: Don’t minimize. Don’t catastrophize.
3 ways to stop worrying and start leading:
#1. Choose responses before you need them.
Suppose you’re worrying about being confronted with questions you can’t answer. Write down your best response and stick it in your pocket. For example…
- That’s a great question. I need some time to think before I respond. I’ll get back to you.
- I’m not sure of the answer to that. Let me get back to you this afternoon.
- I wish I’d thought of that question. Give me some time to talk it over with our managers and I’ll get back to you.
#2. Challenge worries.
Ask yourself, “How likely is this worry to happen?” The zombie apocalypse hasn’t happened yet. How likely is it going to happen this month, on a scale of 1:10?
Don’t pretend it’s going to be OK. Maybe things will go sideways.
#3. Plan.
- Several backup plans is too many.
- Replace “what if” with “what about”.
- Do an if-then. If X happens, we’ll do Y.
Tip: Action answers worry.
What do you do when worry grips you?
What advice would you give a leader who is worried?
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