The other day I was thinking and praying about characteristics which fruitful/effective leader have in common; those I either know or have read about or heard about.
It seems like I’m always thinking about something. My wife, Susan will at times, say to me, “Keeping thinking, Butch, that’s what you’re good at.” This is a line from one of our favorite movies, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
Well I’m not sure I’m that good at it, but I want to learn how to do better at observing, watching, learning and applying what I’m picking up.
I just started writing down attributes, characteristics I have thought of and noted over the years. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list; just what came to mind as I was thinking about it. Some items are similar to others on the list, but not exactly the same. I’m sure some of you could add a bunch more which you have noted in fruitful/effective leaders. Feel free to do just that!
Let me say at the outset that I don’t think any of what I’m about to list are due to certain personality types. These characteristics can be found in introverts as well as extroverts, task-oriented as well as people-oriented leaders. Here’s what I would suggest you do with this list.
First, ask yourself if the particular item has a biblical basis as opposed to just being a good business idea or concept.
Secondly, if you truly believe these have a biblical foundation, write a verse or passage of Scripture which would support each characteristic.
Thirdly, pick one or two of these and begin to ask the Lord how you could grow in this area of your leadership.
Okay here we go:
Big thinker
Is an excellent communicator
Their communication is: Relevant, fun, understandable, vulnerable, real, raw, relatable and practical
Totally honest in all communication—doesn’t pull any punches
Is his own man/woman; an original, not a carbon copy. Is not trying to be like somebody else they admire and respect
Doesn’t let fear of failure get the way of stepping out of their comfort zone
Colors outside the lines and thinks outside the box
Is unconventional. Doesn’t do things the way everyone else does them
Is willing to challenge people
When led and is necessary, is willing to get in people’s face in a winsome way
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