There’s always a lot of talk going on at local churches; some of it is helpful and some of it is hurtful. Given the fact that we serve an awesome and powerful God, the talk among ourselves should be uplifting, honest and God-honoring. Chuck Lawless shares ten phrases he’d like to hear more often in the church. I would too.

Originally posted by Chuck Lawless
Church people talk a lot. That’s great when the words are godly ones. Here are some phrases I’d like to hear more often in the church.
- “I’m sorry.” I suspect that sometimes believers go straight to, “Please forgive me” because we know we need to – but without first having genuinely regretted what we did.
- “Thank you.” How many people in your church serve faithfully every week, but never hear a thank you?
- “I prayed for you. Really.” We say a lot that we’re praying, but I’m not convinced we’re always really praying a lot.
- “I’m concerned we’re not reaching non-believers.” Pastors may recognize this issue, but I don’t hear many folks seriously talking about it.
- “Let’s look at what the Bible says.” Even people who claim to be a “people of the Book” often turn to the Book last rather than first when they face concerns or questions.
- “We’re glad you’re here. Seriously.” That means, we’re glad you’re here to hear the gospel, even if you’re different than we are. Very different, sometimes.
- “My name is . . . .” Sometimes we see no need to tell our name because we already know everybody. In other cases, we almost expect guests to introduce themselves to us. Neither situation is good.
- “The people group we’re praying for is . . . .” It’s a good Great Commission sign when church members can complete this sentence.
- “How may I help you, pastor?” Your pastor can answer this question with something. Many pastors, though, never hear the question.
- “It’s not about me anyway.” It’s about God—a God who sent His Son to provide salvation for sinners. So much church conflict would dissipate if we understood this truth!
What other phrases would you like to hear more often?
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