Everyone would like to be a part of, or lead, a healthy team. But what does a truly healthy team look like and how does such a team function? Ron Edmondson shares 10 phrases that point to a healthy team!
Originally posted by Ron Edmondson
Do you want to be a part of a healthy team?

Do you like simple?
Maybe we’ve made this more complicated than it has to be. I think there are values we can strive to attain which can help make our teams healthy.
Let’s be honest, in team dynamics – just as in relationships – there are seasons when things are better than other times. But, over the course of months and years we should be able to identify a healthy team. You certainly know one when you serve on one.
I have noticed a few key things which are taking place when I’m on a healthy team.
Here are 10 easy phrases which point to a healthy teams:
- Relationships matter way more than structures or systems.
- Titles never determine the importance of a person’s voice.
- Good communication is highly valued.
- Conflict is never avoided and used to make the team stronger.
- Everyone embraces and loves a common interest and goal.
- A person’s character is as important as their intellect or abilities.
- The team rallies when times are tough.
- No one gets all the recognition.
- Enjoying the journey is part of the plan.
- There are no minor roles or minor players.
How many does your team score?
Which of these does your team most need to improve upon?
And, if we do it right, we may be able to stop at number one!
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