This is soooo good, that I wanted to pass it along to you. So much of what holds us back, and down, as leaders (as well as those we lead) is believing lies about ourselves. Lies that never were true, are not true now and never will be true. Jesus is the way THE TRUTH and the Life. Satan is the father of lies!
Thoughts from Pastor Steven Furtick
Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina
Who told you that?

After the fall, Adam began to explain to God how he was ashamed and afraid because he was naked.
I love the way God responded:
“Who told you that you were naked?”
Genesis 3:11
Obviously Adam had been influenced, informed and instructed by a voice other than the voice of God. God was perturbed about it!
“You think you need to hide in shame and be afraid?
Who told you that?”
I wonder how many times God has the same objection when He hears the lies we believe:
Who told you that?
- Who told you weren’t capable?
- Who told you one little compromise wouldn’t hurt?
- Who told you you’d never accomplish anything significant?
- Who told you it was too late to start over?
- Who told you that you couldn’t be forgiven?
- Who told you that you had to settle for that?
- Who told you you’d never gain victory over that sin pattern?
So many voices compete to create a cacophony of confusion concerning the things we believe about ourselves.
God’s voice resonates with clarity, wisdom, and vision.
- Who misled you?
- Who talked you out of your dream?
- Who convinced you that you didn’t measure up?
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