We have all encountered “Control Freaks” in our lives and ministries. Maybe you are one of them yourself. Leaving them alone is not a good idea, but how do you identify them? Chuck Lawless shares some helpful ideas.

Originally posted by Chuck Lawless

I don’t like writing this kind of post, but I think it’s necessary. I’ve seen too many churches with laypersons (and pastors, for that matter, though I’m focusing on laity with this post) who want to control the show. Here are some markers of those folks: 

1.  They’ve been at the church for a while. At least in the established church, they assume that their tenure gives them the right to take the lead.  

2.  They’ve often stepped into leadership voids in the past. Listen to their stories, and you’ll often find that they’ve gained control during previous times of transition or turmoil.

3. They want to know everything. Knowledge is empowering, and they expect to be in the loop for everything. I call them “information idolaters.”

4.  They don’t listen to opposing views. Particularly in a congregational-polity church, they’ll fight for the right to express their opinion – but then completely dismiss the opinions of others.

5.  They demand being a part of every major decision. In fact, they can’t imagine how the church can wisely decide something without their input. Even if they agree with the decision, they’ll find something wrong if they weren’t part of the process.

6.  Their support for pastoral leadership blows with the wind. If they like what the pastor’s doing, they’re on board. If they don’t like it, though, they quickly become opposition – always “for the good of the church,” they say.

7.  They speak in terms of “some people are saying.”  These “people” may be only themselves and their spouses, but the exaggerated phrase “some people” gives them a sense of support.

8.  They see the negative more than the positive. They see themselves as God’s appointed prophet to make sure the church never goes astray (with “astray” meaning any direction they don’t want to go). 

9.  They often use veiled threats against leaders. You’ve probably heard some of them: “people are going to leave”; “we’ll stop giving”; “we’ve seen many pastors come and go” . . . .

10.  They seldom talk about the Word or prayer. Indeed, you’ll seldom hear them talk about their personal walk with God. Control freaks don’t usually need God.

11.  They often focus on the budget. Controlling the purse strings is a primary way they extend their influence.

12.  They’d never admit they’re controlling. In fact, they might not even recognize it. That’s one of the enemy’s subtle ways to mess up the church: he influences control freaks who don’t even recognize what’s happening.

What other characteristics would you add?