Leaders make decisions. That’s what all leaders (voluteers or paid staff) do. The more they are paid, the more is probably riding on those decisions . If you don’t like to make decisions or are hampered by fear in make certain kinds of decisions maybe you should rethink your calling to lead. Brad Lomenick shares five things to keep in mind in making decisions. Leaders are decision makers. Period. Whatever the time of year and season of life, lots of decisions are probably on your desk or in your to do list waiting to be pushed forward. It’s something we must do. Constantly.So here a few thoughts on making decisions:1. Understand that it’s part of your job. Making decisions as a leader is normal and ordinary and required. It’s why you are a leader. Embrace it.2. Sleep on the big ones. For big decisions, always sleep on them. The extra time will allow your decision to be made without the spontaneous emotion that comes with a spontaneous response.3. Know your values. As Roy Disney stated, “It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” Many times indecision occurs because of lack of clarity on vision and values. Values are foundational and must be in place in order to move the organization forward.4. Understand the context. Do your homework and make sure you are informed. Plus be aware of the situation- in the case of a good/bad decision, those are pretty easy. In the case of a better/best decision, those take a bit more time to push forward and get to a final decision. Different decisions require different levels of involvement, awareness, and information.5. Just do it. Create a culture of action in your organization. Many leaders quickly become overwhelmed with several decisions in front of them and then unintentionally paralyze the organization by avoiding them all. Create a system of action that demands completion and execution, and ultimately your system/culture will demand decisions from you. |

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