Here is an excellent list of 20 list of leadership traits in tweet length.
I am sure you will find something applicable to you and your current situation.
Originally posted by Ron Edmondson
A friend emailed me and asked for my “top 20 leadership tips”. They were doing a presentation on leadership and were asked to share 20 aspects of great leadership. The added catch – they wanted something short they could expand upon, so they suggested I share them in “Twitter length.”
It was like he didn’t know I’m the guy who only has “7” points in most posts?
I’m always up for a challenge though, so I wrote down the question and pondered it for a couple weeks. I added a few at a time. Then I sat down to compile the list.
Here are 20 leadership tips in Twitter length:
1. Build people – people are your greatest asset as a leader.
2. Believe in others – it’s the right thing to do and you can’t lead effectively otherwise.
3. Your life direction matters – you’ll likely end up where you point yourself and the team you lead.
4. Hold your methodology loosely – care more about accomplishing a worthy vision than how you do it.
5. Empower people – delegation is giving people real responsibility and real authority.
6. Keep learning – when you stop learning – you stop.
7. Renew your passion often – keep reminding yourself why you do what you do.
8. Learn to rest – so you can always do your best.
9. Value the word “No” – you can only do what you can do. Trying to do more lowers efficiency.
10. Prioritize each day – make every moment count – Because it does.
11. Let failure build you – not define you – it’s the best way to gain experience.
12. Be honest with yourself and others – what you hide will often trip you fastest.
13. Know your weaknesses – everyone else already does.
14. Listen more than you speak – you’ll learn more and others will feel valued.
15. Serving others always brings joy – giving back is the greatest vehicle to fulfillment in life.
16. Humility is attractive – people want to be around people who are. Applaud others louder than you “toot your own horn”.
17. Be intentional – nothing really great happens without intentionality.
18. Reject apathy – you’ll be tempted to settle for mediocrity. Don’t do it.
19. Communication is vital – people only know what they know. Same for you. Learn to ask good questions.
20. Protect your character – even more than you try to protect your reputation. Do this and you’ll gain the other.
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