As most of you who subscribe know, or who find these posts through Twitter or Facebook know, I post three times a week.
—–> Fresh thoughts on leadership related issues.
—–> I share a post from some of my favorite bloggers who are listed at under the tab, “Learn From These Leaders.”
—–> I post something from my personal devotions. I comb through my journaling and select something that I believe will be helpful to all of you.
*The Friday post from my journaling is generally shorter than the Monday and Wednesday post. Don’t let that fool you. I, by His grace, am known for packing a lot of thoughtful content into a few words. Brevity is the one thing that is appreciated most about my books. With information overload hitting us daily, not having to read a lot to get something worthwhile is prized. I don’t like to waste words, but want to quickly and simply get to the point with helpful and relevant content.
I spent 18 years in Toastmasters learning how to say a lot in a 5-7 minute speech, and that mindset has carried over to my writing. We use to say in Toastmasters: “Stand up, Speak out, Shut up and Sit down.”
I want what I have to say to be short, simple and practical.
Here are some thoughts from my time with the Triune God on November 8, 2012:
“But we will not boast of authority we do not have. Our goal is to stay within the boundaries of God’s plan for us, and this plan includes working with you.” – 2 Corinthians 10:13, NLT

My Prayer:
Jesus, I thank you for the clarity and passion I have for the area of my focus (Leadership Development). I believe this is the area where you are giving me anointed “authority” and where I need to set boundaries to protect it. Continue to show me which people this “plan” includes and which it does not.
I have made the observation before that many (maybe most) leaders are doing too much and traveling too fast. Many of them are doing a lot of things, but few are doing them well because they are spread too thin.
2nd Corinthians 10:13 was a good reminder for me to set boundaries; to go at a challenging, but not insane pace; to practice Sabbath as a daily principle not just as a day.
I am challenged to stay within “The boundaries of God’s plan for me.” I want to live out, not rust out or burn out. Having a strong sense of my calling, my vision and my purpose helps me stay within my God-given boundaries. I need wisdom to know who and what this includes and who and what this doesn’t include.
I want to be able to say no to a lot of things so I can say yes to a few things and do those few things well. I want to be led by Him, empowered by Him and honor Him!
+Questions to ponder:
Do you know what your boundaries and limits are?
What have you recently said “no” to in order to stay within your boundaries?
Are you moving at a challenging pace, or an insane pace that is unsustainable with a heavy price tag for you and your family (if married)?
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